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Friday, 20 April 2012



<STDIN> stands for standard input. It can be abbreviated by using simple <>. By declaring a scalar variable and setting it equal to <STDIN> we set the variable equal to whatever will be typed by our user at the command prompt. Observe:


#! usr/bin/perl
print "How old are you?";
$age = <>;
print "WOW! You are $age years old!";

How old are you?:

Screen Capture of Command Prompt
Don't worry about the display being a little off the mark, we will cover the formatting in the next lesson. For now let's practice retrieving some user input using PERL.
Let's take this example one step further and also request the favorite color of our user.


#! usr/bin/perl
print "How old are you?";
$age = <>;
print "What is your favorite color?";
$color = <>;
print "You are $age, and your favorite color is $color.";

Age 'N' Color:

Screen Capture of Command Prompt
Once again, our formatting leave a little to be desired, but the variables are working as they should, and for now this is all we need to know.

PERL - Beginning Scripting

You now have the knowledge required to code some mathematical scripts like the following.


#! usr/bin/perl
print "What is the radius of the circle?";
chomp ($r = <>);
$diameter = (2 * $r);
$area = (3.14 * ($r ** 2));
$cir = ($diameter * 3.14);
print "Radius: $r\n Diameter: $diameter\n Circumference: $cir\n Area: $area";


Screen Capture of Command Prompt


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