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Friday, 20 April 2012

PERL - Chomp

PERL - Chomp

Let's take another look at our agencolor.pl script. This script asked for two user inputs and returned an unformatted string and our variables as a result on the last line.


#! usr/bin/perl
print "How old are you?";
$age = <>;
print "What is your favorite color?";
$color = <>;
print "You are $age, and your favorite color is $color.";
Here we have asked two questions, stored the user's input into two separate variables and printed out the results all in just a few lines of code. Be sure to take note of the formatting here. The user is required to strike the "enter" key resulting in a line break. We can remove the line break rather easily with the chomp() function. This function simply removes any erroneous line breaks and spacing from the end of our string.


#! usr/bin/perl
print "How old are you?";
chomp ($age = <>);
print "What is your favorite color?";
chomp ($color = <>);
print "You are $age, and your favorite color is $color.";

Age 'N' Color 2:

Screen Capture of Command Prompt
Chomp should be used whenever input is acquired from your users.


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