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Thursday, 19 April 2012

SQL - Identifiers, Think SQL

SQL - Identifiers, Think SQL

As with any programming language, there are a few terms unique to SQL.

An Identifier is essentially a name of a database, table, or table column. As the creator of the database, you are free to identify these objects as you please; we merely suggest you keep these guidelines in mind when you do.
  • Develop your own unique naming scheme. -- Use terms that relate to one another and will be easy to recognize apart from your code.
  • Be conscious of how long your names become. -- Especially be aware when the time comes to name your columns.
  • Avoid names without meaning. -- Develop a working scheme that also has meaning behind the names.
  • Be consistent. -- If you capitalize one table name, capitalize each table name; if you choose to use abbreviations, make sure they do not have double meanings or ambiguous meaning.
Develop a clear, concise schema, and stick to it as your database develops.

SQL - Literals

Literal is a term for data types such as strings, numbers, or boolean values in SQL. These values are not named by you the programmer; they just exist.

Literal Breakdown:

string literals
'This is a string value'
'5893 Moon River Dr.'

number literals

boolean literals


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